The Temple of

Sekhmet, in ancient Egypt, was portrayed as a female figure with the head of a lioness. It was Sekhmet who meted out divine vengeance when errant humanity neglected to worship the gods and took matters into its own unknowing hands. Her destructive rampages were designed to restore rightful order. She was the goddess who heals... but by fire.
In this temple relief, Sekhmet is standing behind the seated Ptah, who holds an ankh, the symbol of life.

Sekhmet the Cat, however, is rather less threatening. She is a Ruddy Abyssinian born in March 1996. Like all Abys, she has a strong personality — but she is really a people cat who loves affection. She is also intensely interested in being involved in the daily lives of her people. Whatever we’re doing, she wants to help.

We’ve just returned from two weeks’ vacation, and Sekhmet seems to have taken Nefret (below) to her bosom. We’re not yet sure whether this is a good thing...

In this portrait, Sekhmet is resting on a favorite footstool.

Nefret, whose name means “The Beautiful One,” joined the family in May 2000; she’s also a Ruddy Aby, born in March. She has lost the power to terrify Sekhmet, and the two are now partners in crime.

Nefret’s eyes have mostly lost the baby blue; they’re now golden with flecks of green. Her color is still not as saturated as it will be a year or so from now, and she still hasn’t grown into her ears.

In this snapshot, Nefret is resting for a brief moment on the breakfast table.

The virtual crate